"To be or not to be" : Revised by Marcus "Dr. Respect" Gentry

Shakespeare's "To be, or not to be" is revised here to create a foundation for expanded conversation in a somewhat different direction.

There was a piece that was written by Shakespeare many centuries ago. It was titled To Be or Not To Be a very powerful piece in and of itself. I am making no attempt at trying to take away from the beauty of that piece. But after reading it many times I started thinking of an adaptation to that content, that spoke to some of my experiences and I revised it and I made an alternate version of To Be Or Not To Be, and that's what I'm going to share with you right now. And what I want you to do in our conversations below the surface is add your comments, add your thoughts and ideas, and see how this adaptation strikes you still titled "to Be or Not To be" an adaptation.

To be or not to be. That is the question. Whether it is nobler in mind to embrace someone else's dependence on your decisions or actions for their core happiness and personal safety, or instead to teach them by our example of word and deed that any philosophy, leadership. Or individual that encourages dependence on someone else for our essential happiness and personal security is a practice that is outside of the common laws of nature and will eventually enslave you psychologically, emotionally, socially, economically, and scientifically. To die,To sleep no more. To die in our youth. From poisonous beliefs administered to us when we were still unable to differentiate between what will be most beneficial for our highest purpose and what was not for human consumption, leaving us sleep-walking in a deadened state anesthetized by arsenic, pumped into our subconscious minds that has produced a delusional thought that we are not good enough. Therefore, we need to purchase this new product to use, watch, play, or drive in order to improve our faulty appearance. And this should be done while simultaneously self-medicating for conditions that we have been convinced we have,and if others do not die fast enough, we find ways to personally suffocate them with our words, judgments and condemnation, for having the audacity to think that they can live their lives free of the bondage with which we have become so familiar and comfortable. To die to sleep no more. To sleep and in sleeping, perhaps dream.

Dream of living a life without the shackles of fear or the self-imposed restrictions to knowledge or the use of blinders that prevents one, from seeing the reflection of their individual greatness in all things in nature, but the dread of death, the undiscovered country from which born no traveler returns and the ever constant fear of loss and our refusal to accept that all physical relationships end in decision or death, puzzles the will, inhibits the determination to advance, and clouds our visibility of possibilities and makes us rather bear those ills we have than fly to other opportunities that we know not of.
Thus, conscious does make cowards of us all.

But there is hope. To be or not to be. Need no longer be the question consideration or ponderable. It is not to be debated if you will be because in an undisputed exclamation I am. thus you are, Therefore, we are from the beginning of our existence, present and accounted for, you are the essence of unlimited potential not yet realized. you are by default, designed to evolve to the highest level available, to expand to the farthest reaches of your exposure and abilities, to acknowledge, express, and embody the radiance Magnificence and respect of all things created. And when you are no longer here in this tangible shell, through your transformation, you will feed life into the next level of greatness that is always seeking expression.

That's the adaptation of "To be, or not to be". Leave your comments and and thoughts in the text below.

This has been conversations below the surface.

"To be or not to be" : Revised by Marcus "Dr. Respect" Gentry
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