All Episodes

Displaying 1 - 16 of 16 in total

I wish you Just Enough

In a world of abundance there are some things that you only need just enough

Gratitude Beyond Words

 Considering the practice of Gratitude as a mutually beneficial gift.

Distraction Versus Destination

Have you been caught in a web of distractions?

What will you do?

Listen to a short commentary to see if you are prepared for the unexpected. If not, what will you do?

The Magic Feather

What happens when you lose what you feel creates your value. Listen to a short lesson from a cartoon.

Back and Forth

Are we starting to develop language habits that interrupts healthy communication and connection? Listen closely to see if you have picked up this new habit.


What if your definition of perfection is incorrect? This episode examines the understanding or Misunderstanding of the concept of Perfection.

The Power in Pausing

This episode  looks at the value of pausing. It is amazing what you will notice, appreciate or even avoid if we learned to pause more often.

Clearing The Blockage

Sometimes the problem with making healthy connections with others is due to a blockage. This episode does a short exploration into what that might look like in your life.

What Daddy would have said

This episode covers a few things that some men and women may have missed hearing from their Daddy  when they were children growing up.

Plants and People

A short look below the surface about the comparison of how we treat plants and people and the possible dangers.

Practice for Success

How to succeed in reaching your New Year's Resolution and any other goal.

They love me, They love me not

Exploring the wisdom in seeing people as they are.

"To be or not to be" : Revised by Marcus "Dr. Respect" Gentry

Shakespeare's "To be, or not to be" is revised here to create a foundation for expanded conversation in a somewhat different direction.

The Cost of Leadership

CBS is where Marcus Gentry goes to the 5th level of inquiry to hold conversations that are below the surface level. In this episode, Marcus explores the cost of leader...

C.B.S. - Conversations Below the Surface Trailer

This is a trailer for a new podcast by Marcus Gentry. Known in his circles as "Dr. Respect", Marcus sits down to give insight into the purpose of this new and exciting...

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