This home of Podcast shorts has been created for people on the go and as a landing place for educators, entrepreneurs and everyday people who want more than clichés, buzz words and the echoes of common thought, but hunger for discussions beyond superficiality. We will explore paradigms, old messages and question answers that we have been given. We welcome you to the interviews and research of Conversations Below the Surface.

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Latest Episodes

I wish you Just Enough

In a world of abundance there are some things that you only need just enough

Gratitude Beyond Words

 Considering the practice of Gratitude as a mutually beneficial gift.

Distraction Versus Destination

Have you been caught in a web of distractions?

What will you do?

Listen to a short commentary to see if you are prepared for the unexpected. If not, what will you do?

The Magic Feather

What happens when you lose what you feel creates your value. Listen to a short lesson from a cartoon.

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